Partial Data Deletion Request

Welcome to the Data Deletion Request page for VocabJugad, available on the Google Play Store. We understand the importance of your privacy and are committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of your data. If you wish to have your data deleted from our systems, please fill out the form below. This action will remove your personal data, including your learning progress, account details, and any other information associated with your account.

Please note that this request will lead to partial data deletion, as specified in our Data Deletion Supported Policy. If you’re looking to completely delete your account and all associated data, please visit our Account Deletion Page.

    Form Instructions: Please fill out the form with accurate information to ensure we can process your data deletion request effectively. Upon submission, our team will review your request and proceed with the necessary steps to delete your data from our systems. You will receive a confirmation email once the process is completed.